I don't have a PC but I want to programme

How to get started with programming even if you don't have a personal computer


1 min read

I don't have a PC but I want to programme

I've encounted a number of people who seem really fascinated by the tech world. They seem to really want to get started with programming. However, a problem that some of them face is that they don't have personal computers to start with.

Without a PC, it might seem almost impossible to actually programme. But, I've got some positive news.

If you do have a smartphone, I think you can use it to start programming before you get your own PC.

The downside of this, however, is that it is very tedious and frustrating to work on the phone. For this reason, I do have to point out that you'll need more determination and motivation to keep going.

In this video, I talk about how one can get started with programming without a PC. I hope it makes a difference.